Alicat Scientific 0 comments

Alicat’s cost effective mass flow meters, controllers and pressure controllers come with NIST traceable calibration sheets and an industry-first lifetime warranty. They help customers save time and money by reducing downtime and material loss, and increasing measurement precision. Over 60,000 Alicat instruments are in operation around the world in industries such as automotive manufacturing, fuel cell development, environmental testing, leak detection, spray drying, tank blanketing, atmospheric testing, fiber optics and process gas metering. Learn more by visiting our main pages, giving us a call or visiting the Alicat website

ISA Southeast Texas Expo 0 comments

An Instrumentation, Systems & Automation Event EXPO 2012 Free to Automation Professionals Tuesday October 23, 2012 1:00 pm till 7:00 pm Holiday Inn - Beaumont Plaza Convention Center 3950 Interstate 10 South Beaumont, Texas (409)842-5995 For More information please click here to see the PDF

2012 ISA Chili Cook Off & Exhibit 0 comments

Hello to our valued customers and colleagues


The 2012 Chili Cook Off & Exhibit is just a couple of weeks away! So get ready to bring your company, team and products to this year’s Chili Cook Off Show and Exhibit.

Thank you for your continued support to the ISA Houston Section Scholarship Fundraiser.

Since the inception of the scholarship fundraiser we have donated proceeds towards students in need of financial support. Thanks to you, we have grown this event to one of the best exhibits and networking events in Houston with a Big Texas twist!

Please RSVP at the link below remember the cutoff date for all RSVP is Tuesday, October 30, 2012 at 12:00PM PLEASE REGISTER AT THE LINK BELOW

Event Overview

This year, in addition to plenty of Chili thanks to all our sponsors, we will also have:

Live Music: Centrally located in the arena

Drinks: St. Arnolds, Miller Lite, Sodas and Water

Door prizes: We request the sponsors to donate a door prize for Scholarship square raffle



1st ,2nd , and 3rd place Awards by our judge panel.

People’s Choice Chili and Best Themed Awards

Voting-Attendees will receive one ballot per person to vote

Ballot boxes will be located throughout the arena.


Each team will be provided a container provided by the ISA HS

You will put a sample of Chili in your container.

The Judges Runner will collect the chili at 5:00PM.

The chili will be judged on the following criteria:






Door Prizes

We encourage our Sponsors to get in the event spirit. We will have door prize & square raffles and we ask our sponsors to each donate a prize.

Typical donations in the last years have been, give-a-ways with your company logo, gift cards, sports tickets, etc. PLEASE let me know if you plan to bring a door prize and put your company business card on the prize.

Event Start/End Time: 5:00PM/9:00PM

Thank you all for the support to the scholarship fund and ISA Houston Section. We look forward to seeing you again this year!

New website for Progressive Instruments 1 comments

Look for our new website to coming in the near future. Donalson Distribution is working hard on a completely new layout and functionality. The new website will feature social networking interaction for our customers to communicate easier with Progressive instruments. We will keep you posted as the work progressives. Thank you